Branch contacts for the Branch Committee:
Chairman: Andrea Briers (01553 766904)
Vice Chairman: Post Vacant
Secretary: Ian Bailey (01553 766904)
Treasurer: Jim Ferguson (01328 711033)
Branch Contact: Ian Bailey (01553 766904)
Social Secretary: Post Vacant
Public Affairs: Jeff Hoyle (01553 761890)
Pubs Officer: Les Brockhurst (01553 674380)
Pubs Preservation Officer: Jeff Hoyle (01553 761890)
Membership Secretary: Jeff Hoyle (01553 761890)
Cider Rep: Andrea Briers (01553 766904 )
Young Members Contact: Post Vacant
Press And Publicity: Post Vacant (Please contact the Chaiman)
Facebook: Nigel Nudds
Website: Post Vacant
Norfolk Nips Distribution: Ros Harre (01553 761890)